Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pendaftaran Baru Beasiswa VDMS Tahun Akademik 2013



Tahun ini, teknis pendaftaran beasiswa VDMS memberikan kemudahan untuk para mahasiswa dengan mengembangkan sistem pra-registrasi online.

Beasiswa yang berasal dari Belanda ini diperuntukan untuk mahasiswa yang duduk di tahun kedua atau pada Semester III.

Adapun langkah - langkah pra-registrasi online yaitu mahasiswa diindikasikan bahwa ingin mendaftar beasiswa VDMS, menggunakan tautan Setelah membaca persyaratan dan menyetujuinya, mahasiswa akan menerima formulir pra-registrasi (formulir A) secara otomatis.
Mahasiswa mengisi formulir tersebut, dan jika setuju dengan mengirimkan dokumen - dokumen yang diperlukan untuk dapat diterima (SKTM, bukti IPK, dll) maka dapat mengirimkan formulir pre-registrasi tersebut.

Batas waktu pengajuan beasiswa untuk tahap pertama dari pra-registrasi adalah pada 26 Maret 2013. Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan dengan mengunjungi website
Through this you are given the opportunity to pre-register.
You have to fulfill certain requirements to be eligible for our scholarships. You have to:
  1. Be talented, have an IPK of at least 3.00 in the last odd semester
  2. Come from underprivileged (“tidak mampu”) family
  3. Study a certain discipline.
  4. Come from an SMA in a certain region.
Our scholarships are given from the 2nd year through the 4th year, maximal 3 years (i.e. S1).
The scholarship is an additional one, not a full grant. We pay an additional examination bonus and a TOEFL bonus if your score is more than 500. We give our grantees also the opportunity for extra training (leadership, entrepreneurship etc)

Pre-registration steps

The pre-registration consists of two steps:
STEP ONE. Submit your basic data before 26th of March 2013. After that day your pre-registration will not be accepted anymore.

STEP TWO. When you are selected by the university/academy as a potential candidate, you have to submit before 30th of April additional data and documents:
  1. Proofs of the underprivileged state of your parents or family : letter from Lurah (SKTM), family card (KK), or the statement and recommendation from your university or academy, that you are economically underprivileged, and as such accepted in the first year.
  2. Proof of your IPK (> 3,0) in the last odd semester of  the current year
In STEP ONE of the pre-registration you have to declare that you are able to deliver these proofs before the deadline given. If not, you can’t be proposed to VDMS.

Follow up

After you have passed STEP TWO and delivered all the required documents, you will be proposed by the university/academy for a scholarship to VDMS.

If you are accepted, you will receive your grant at the end of the first month of the new study year, which can be July, August or September.

Your grant will be paid directly to your bank account.
You still want to pre-register? Apply Now! At least before26th March.

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